I sent PM's yesterday to many band members of the
CDA, inviting them here to participate and moderate their forums. Then I sent a general bulletin for any bands I missed.
Here are the members we have participating so far:
ASHEN MORTALITY - Ian Arkley (silentwake)
CENTURY SLEEPER - Ian Arkley (silentwake)
HypNoGoG - Dan Lively (HypnoCada)
Kristian Berge Nessa (withering)
MY DARKEST TIME - Zarko Atanasov (mydarkesttime)
MY SILENT WAKE - Ian Arkley (silentwake)
PLACE OF SKULLS - Victor Griffin (Changed Heart)
ROSE - Mike Lee (Zombierockstar)
SORROWS PATH - Kostas Salomidis (doomster)
SWEET CICADA - Dan Lively (HypnoCada)
örn Weinesj
ö (TW)
And hopefully, more will respond!
For those of you
CDA band members already here/just signed up, welcome! Now, go back to MySpace and post a bulletin and a link on your official sites about your new forum here at
The Cave and let's see if we can fill this place with the stench of humanity!