So here in STL, we are a big little city. That means we are big enough to have a few pro sports teams with large venues that can also attract big artists... Most of which I don't want to see.
Unfortunately the 'little' part of our big town is that a lot of cool bands and acts will pass us by for Kansas City... Like Pink Floyd did in the early 90's... I'm still bitter...
We have tons of small venues though. And those places usually bring in the cool artists I want to see anyway.
There is one smaller venue just across the river... It's a treacherous place that only sells you awful domestic beer in a plastic bottle... But they bring in cool bands from time to time. Oddly enough, and to my delight, they are bringing in John Elefante and his band in August 2014... I am shocked, but super excited to see John! Haven't seen him play since Cornerstone years ago.
Here's hoping he busts out some Kansas action!
Questioning why he is coming to Pops though, I am...